Keri and Alesia enter seeking $100,000 for 10% of the business. They show some samples and how their software works, then they hand out samples of each Shark as a superhero. The Sharks love them! They tell the Sharks about how they learned about 3D modeling and marketing. They are not at market yet. It’s costs $15 for one model and they sell for $60. Each 3D printer can produce 100 heads per day. New printers cost $45K, but they own two used printers they bought for $20K each.
There are other personalized action figure businesses, doing a small amount of sales. Their best customers are aged 30-45 years old. Robert thinks it’s clever, Mr. Wonderful wants to know if it’s proprietary. The 3D printing software they developed is patent pending.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
3D Printing Funded on Shark Tank
Big Data Fears? Why Do People Fear Data Analytics?
Here is a quick big data slideshow about how data analytics arouses fear in people.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
3D Printing From Apple?
A patent doesn’t guarantee that Apple will produce a printer, however — as with most large design companies — the tech giant files and receives thousands of patents, for everything from haptic feedback systems to staircases to public transportation systems. And it’s highly unlikely that anything they might make would be open hardware, despite the historically open nature of the 3D printing community.
But Apple’s foray into this market would mean that 3D printing would get its brightest spotlight yet, putting these tools into the hands of people that would otherwise not be looking into this field. That’s a fascinating proposition. According to the Association of 3D Printing, “it’s a logical step. Apple has a reputation for making the some of the coolest products out there. And 3D Printing is cool.”
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
3D Printed Christmas Ornaments – Why Not 3D Print Your Holiday?
For many people, decorating their home and Christmas trees with ornaments is one of the most enjoyable ways to capture the magic and excitement of the holidays.
Although Christmas trees first appeared in America in the 1700s, the emergence of the modern Christmas tree actually dates back to 15th and 16th century Germany.
Evergreens were used first in church plays at Christmas and were hung with apples to symbolize a Paradise tree. Paradise trees later found their way into homes, where they were adorned with small white wafers, and later, small pastries cut into stars, angels, hearts and flowers.
During the next 200 years, this custom slowly spread throughout Germany and Europe. Decorated trees were brought to America by Hessians – German mercenaries – fighting in the Revolutionary War.
Christmas wasn’t widely celebrated in the United States until the 1800s, however, because of the Puritans’ influence. As a result, decorated trees did not become widely popular until people saw the ornaments brought to America by families emigrating from Germany and England in the 1840s.
Now in 2015, can Christmas undergo a revival with 3D printed ornaments?
Monday, November 30, 2015
International Business Video – Should Companies Use Importers?
So what can our importer do?
• First, it should be certain it’s compliant, and can learn how to be so by talking to a customs broker about the appropriate duties and tariffs.
• Find out if there are special impediments to importing a given product. This will help the company decide if this endeavor is going to work at all. If our toothbrush was made of camel hair, for example, it may require approval from a fish and wildlife department. If the firm was importing a potentially perishable product, concessions might be made to expedite the shipment.
• Customs examination is a large roadblock in importing. This happens when U.S. customs officers decide the paperwork alone isn’t sufficient to allow the shipment into the United States, and they’ll have inspectors look inside the box to see what’s really there. Remember, just because U.S. Customs decides to hold your shipment doesn’t mean that those clocks stop ticking.
In a customs exam, the importer has to pay for truckers to pick up and deliver the shipment to a customs warehouse. The importer has to hire labor to open up the boxes (customs officials don’t do this). Once the inspections have been completed, assuming everything is OK, the boxes need to be reloaded and shipped to the importer’s warehouse. If there’s damage or difficulty in reloading the container back on the truck, this presents more delays and costs.
So far, this seems like a nightmare. But it doesn’t happen every day, and when it does, it happens for a reason: The U.S. customs department exists to protect the United States.
There are many international business videos that deal with these issues.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Gerua Lyrics – Dilwale | Shah Rukh Khan
Gerua Lyrics from Dilwale feat Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol. Sung by Arijit Singh n Antara Mitra and composed by Pritam, written by Amitabh Bhattacharya
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
3D Printing Tissue – More Bioprinting Advances
Plastic tissue realized by 3d printing technology.
Researchers developed a new method enabling them to print with soft materials such as collagens, alginates and fibrins that naturally appear in the body. To date, medical 3D printing has been mainly used to create prosthetics.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Autodesk’s Biomedical 3D Printing Software Solution
Shane Fox of Autodesk talks to TCT about the company’s new software solution for the medical industry. It seems Bioprinting is growing more and more.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Global Business SlideShow – 10 Questions To Ask In International Sales
. Does this market require local sales talent?
. In face-to-face meetings, are there any cultural conventions that the American sales person should observe?
. Is the sales person held to a different ethical standard than is the population in general?
. What are the possible negative consequences if conventions or standards are overlooked?
. What traits or qualities are considered admirable for a sales person to display?
. What behavior is considered to be offensive?
. Sales people in any culture must be assertive to a degree. At what point does assertiveness become interpreted as aggressiveness in this culture?
. Are there specific selling techniques in this industry that are particularly effective in this culture?
. How important is call preparation?
. Is it necessary to work with administrative assistants?
Need an International Business Video?
Friday, November 13, 2015
Bioprinting and 3D Printing – Cellular Structure Being 3D Printing In Switzerland
Researchers at the federal technology institute ETH Zurich have developed a way of producing body parts containing cartilage, with the help of a 3D printer.
One of the first practical applications of this method is reconstructive surgery. Damaged body parts, like a nose or an ear, can be rebuilt in a computer 3D model. Cartilage cells are thenremoved through a biopsy. In the laboratory these cells are cultivated and mixed with a biopolymer which is used as a shaping mould. From this body parts can then be shaped with a 3D printer. The reconstructed body part is then ready to be transplanted into the body. Bioprinting advancing again and again!
Monday, November 9, 2015
How to use LinkedIn
Your profile should have:
Keywords in your description (e.g. Big data sales, big data analysis, data management, data consulting, business intelligence, analytics, saving money with data, data visualization)
A professionally taken photo. Bite the bullet and pay someone if you have to. ($50). Clean background, business attire. I can’t tell you how many people reach out to me with bad photos…making a bad impression right off the bat.
A way to contact you! (email is usually my personal favorite).
Articles you have written.
Any books/articles you have written.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
3D Printed Strands Of Hair? Great Help For Those With 3D Printed Heads!
A team at Carnegie Mellon University, came up with design and its concept actually seems very familiar to crafters everywhere. Inspired by the techniques in handling a glue gun, they used a conventional fused deposition modeling (FDM), which is a form of 3D Printing, to fabricate these types of plastic hairs. You know when you are using a glue gun, you finish adhesion and pull it away, a small thin thread of melted plastic trails off still attached to the target. The team admits in their paper to “exploiting” this phenomenon so that users can fairly easily add hair, fibers, or bristles to any selected area of their model. I wonder if it will help all of us who need hair!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
3D Printed Hair Club For Men
3D Printed Hair
Here’s a new technique for 3d printing soft strands, fiber and bristles using fused deposition modeling…
Order your own custom 3d printed hair style. Choose your favorite color too!
Very funny!
Get Your 3D Printg MBA!
Monday, October 26, 2015
It AIN’T Gonna be easy Why do people think it is easy to do business overseas? Culture, language, customs and laws are different!
It AIN’T gonna be fast The biggest single cultural difference is the perception of “time”
It AIN’T gonna be free Does your office have staff, machines, phones, vendors, and expenses? Why do you think that would be different abroad?
Your skills AIN’T gonna transfer Well, not completely. You may know all about “channel management” in Wisconsin, but Japan does it differently.
You AIN’T gonna enjoy it always Jet lag. Exhaustion. Lack of language. Cramped flights. Endless meetings. Tricky negotiations.
Your money AIN’T gonna guarantee success. Just because you are the buyer, doesn’t mean you will have an easy time buying what you want.
Your law AIN’T gonna win You AIN’T gonna sue If you do, you AIN’T gonna win If you do you AIN’T gonna collect
You AIN’T playing as equals No matter what your project, the strongest relationship will win…even if your product is better
They AIN’T gonna be transparent Americans say what they mean, and mean what they say. There aren’t many other cultures that do that
You AIN’T gonna succeed if you AIN’T knowing what you are doing
Global Business Podcast
Global Business Videos
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
3D Printing and 2D Printing – What Is The Difference In How We Will Adopt 3D Printing Technology?
When we speak of 2D Printing, we mean the old fashioned way of printing documents….offset printing, copy machines, and desktop printing. When we speak of 3D Printing, we refer to additive manufacturing, a process that turns a blue print into a product.
It’s important to point out that while many aren’t familiar with 3D Printing, the industry itself is 32 years old. So these predictions aren’t about “what might happen,” they are more about “what is happening and will it change?”
When I was commissioned to write this piece, my belief was that the publisher wanted to see if 3D Printing will head to the desktop the way 2D printing has….it’s hard to find an office (even a home office) without a copy machine. The advent of “all in one machines” which include scanner, fax machines, copy machines and printers have enormous convenience. Additionally, one can find an all in one machine that costs less than $100.
So will 3D Printing head that way?
Yes and no and maybe and sometimes. 3D Printing adoption differs from 2D Printing in the following ways:
1) The internet. When 2D printing evolved there was no internet. And since there was no internet, there were no internet marketplaces. With 3D Printing, one can buy printers, 3D designs or time on someone else’s machine, witch are called:
2) Service Bureaus. These are 3rd party 3D Printing services which will print objects for you. Many of them also offer design consulting and materials consulting (materials- what substance is used to make the 3D Printed object).
The combination of these 2 forces changes the game in the 3D Printing world. In the old 2D days, we used outside services for printing. But usually someone had to walk into a shop and interact with someone. Only later did print shops have internet access and create online stores for their customers. The internet does something else…it creates a forum for rapid, worldwide story telling about 3D printing and has attracts audiences eager to learn about the latest developments. One such forum is
Today, someone with a 3D Printing project can walk into a shop -there are many out there and UPS, Staples, Home Depot and others are getting in the game. Alternatively, someone could take that same project and look online for someone to print for them, just by uploading a CAD drawing.
3) As the industry matures, so does the ease of technology. Creating CAD designs was the domain of trained engineers, back in the day. Today, an 8 year old can create a design, and there are many Apps that will do it for you with almost no effort.
Many of us are walking around with scanning technology that can be used to render 3D Printing CAD drawings…the technology can and will be embedded in smartphones.
4) Entry costs. A 3D Printer can cost millions of dollars (machines that print airplane wings, or print from human tissue) or less than $100 – kind of a modified glue gun. But at $100 I can put this technology into my 11 year old’s hands and let her experiment. Is a $100 3D Printer the coolest Christmas present yet?
5) Medical. No technology has the ability to save and help as many lives as 3D Printing. With human tissue engineering, we can print body parts (see that can be the difference between life and death, or the difference between life without an arm and life with one. This phenomenon alone forces one to bet on the technology.
6) Borderless. Instead of shipping an item in a box, one can send a CAD drawing and print where the user is. That means if someone in Ukraine needed a tractor part, they could get the blueprint of that part online, and it would make no difference that someone from Brooklyn uploaded that design. This forces the rapid adoption of this technology.
7) Big Data. 3D Printing can done in an online environment. Drawings can be purchased in that environment. 3D Printed products and services are bought and sold virtually. That means that a great many of Big Data firm track these transactions. Then they analyze, repackage and resell the data that is being produced. Compare this to taking a photo and copying it on a Xerox machine! Hence there are Big Data firms interested in furthering this industry!
These 7 factors (and many others too numerous to list here) mean the rapid adoption of 3D printing…much faster than 2D printing, and much more meaningful.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Business Startup Programs Incubating 3D Printing Companies – 3D Printing Revolution?
Stay on top of the latest development in the 3D printing incubator space.
Check out some top 3d printing startup companies at The 3D Printing Conference…
Inside 3D Printing in Santa Clara, CA – October 20-22, 2015 ( Use the discount code CHANNEL for 10% off Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara)
MatterFab is just one 3d printing company incubated by startup programs…
MatterFab is developing a metal 3D printer that provides the same quality output as today’s million dollar printers at an order of magnitude lower cost. Metal 3D printing can deliver injection molds that double productivity for no additional cost, create custom medical implants, and save airlines billions in fuel costs every year through weight saving designs that can only be made with 3D printers.
In a nutshell, 3D printers are not cheap or accessible enough. 3D Printing Materials commonly used just as PLA and ABS are both plastics—and imperfections of the technology make it difficult for average consumers to print useful or complex objects. Within the mainstream market, 3D printers are mainly used to prototype models for designers.
The opportunity in 3D printing lies in low-volume and highly-specialized products. However, mass manufacturing depends on high volumes to enable cheap prices. Thus, this translates to less demand for 3D printers with manufacturers focused on consumer markets.
Read more: What Happened to the 3D Printing Revolution? (SSYS,XONE,VJET,DDD,UPS)
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Get Your Own Custom 3D Printed Sneakers by Adidas
Adidas unveiled the future of performance footwear with Futurecraft 3D, a unique 3D-printed running shoe midsole which can be tailored to the cushioning needs of an individual’s foot.
We have developed proprietary 3D printing technology, delivering a “first of its kind” product in an entirely new way. Our 3D-printed material not only allows us to make a great running shoe, but also to use performance data to drive truly bespoke experiences, meeting the needs of any athlete.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
3D Printing Demonstration In Chinese!
The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the entire object is created.
Monday, September 28, 2015
International Investing – 10 Things to Consider When Taking Money From Overseas
1. Will your other investors mind? Will your current investors care if more funds come from country X? Does country X help or hurt them financially, legally or psychologically? Getting your current investors’ permission might be necessary.
2. Will your overseas investors have access to your company’s trade secrets? Frequently, investors want to understand and potentially copy your intellectual property. It may be impossible to track the actual source of overseas money. Thus, some overseas investor could be connected to a real (or future) competitor. Investment dollars might come from a real (or future) client or vendor. Will they be able to access your “secret sauce” and do you mind if they do?
3. Do you understand how to deal with the investor’s culture? We are back to the No. 1 stumbling block in international business: the differences in culture. If your way of doing business is completely different than what your investors are accustomed to, then there may be potential conflict on the horizon. How will you deal with their views on risk, profit, law, ethics and management? How will they deal with yours? How much education and hand-holding will be necessary? How active will your investor be in running your business?
4. Do you realize it may take more time to deal with an overseas investor? The single biggest cultural difference is our perception of time. The overseas investor may be willing to invest, but not as quickly as your firm wishes. Investors are often known for showing high interest initially, and then stalling. In places like Asia and the Middle East, that syndrome is even more widespread.
5. Are there tax consequences to your company taking foreign money? Even if you completely and fully understand the U.S. tax ramifications, does country X’s tax practices agree with ours? Are you suddenly filling out a tax return for country X?
6. Are you suddenly dealing with a whole bunch of foreign laws? Firms may not think of this, as in the United States we often have contracts that say “this is governed by U.S. law,” but does country X care what you wrote down (in English) and signed (in the United States)?
7. Are you suddenly dealing with government agencies in the U.S. that you may not have dealt with previously? As an example, a high-tech firm may take on an investor from country X and before they know it, they are on the radar of the Defense department, the IRS and the Department of Homeland Security. It’s easy enough to check this out in advance.
8. Is there an intermediary involved and will he or she make you comfortable with each other? In many situations brokers facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers. Many times, they prefer to stay in the middle of all transactions (this is the best way to ensure they get paid). But when a firm takes on an investor, it takes on a partner. Any intermediary must facilitate a relationship between the funder and the recipient of funds.
9. Is there an intermediary involved and is he or she authorized to do this kind of work? That intermediary needs to be authorized in the United States as well as in country X. You don’t want to be a party to breaking foreign laws unknowingly.
10. Does the country that’s investing in you have some kind of stigma? So, will your clients or employees mind if you are taking funds from country X? Does the country that is sending you money have a poor reputation for anything? If you take money from country X, does that mean that you can’t take new money from country Y? What countries does country X have a rivalry with?
Saturday, September 26, 2015
3D Printing Pens – A Review of 3D Printing Technology
Have you have ever dreamt of being able to draw in 3D, then now you can thanks to the 3D printing pens. The possibilities really are endless with this latest advance in 3D technology that allows you to put your ideas down on paper, but in a brand new way that really allows those ideas to stand out like never before.
Imagine drawing your favorite animal, an object, a symbol, or anything you want, but this time it is standing out from the paper rather than being a completely flat image.!
Monday, September 21, 2015
The First 3D Printed Fashion Collection – 3D Printing Fashion Show
As Danit Peleg said: “I printed my own fashion collection. I really enjoyed the fact that I could create without intermediaries; I could design my own textiles and manufacture my own clothes, all from my own home. I think this is just the beginning. As technologies evolve, we will soon be all printing our own clothes at home.”
Sunday, September 20, 2015
3D Printing Fashion – Israeli 3D Printed Fashion Collection
Following 3D Printing for years, I stumbled across this 3D Printing fashion designer from Israel, who launched the first 3D Printed fashion collection.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
3D Printing With Metals – Is Metal Really Used With 3D Printing?
Is it even real metal?! Let’s find out!
We got some rolls of Chinese Copper and Aluminium PLA into the studio to test. Is this really metal? Does this change the game in metallic 3D Printing?
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Virtual Reality Summit Taking Place at the Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo Event
MecklerMedia’s Virtual Reality Summit Launches to Explore Innovation Trends in Virtual Reality; October 21, 2015 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California
(New York, NY – September 15, 2015) – MecklerMedia Corporation (OTCQX: MECK) will debut its latest conference, the Virtual Reality Summit on October 21, 2015, to lead a discussion on the future of Virtual Reality. The event will take place at the Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo in Santa Clara.
“MecklerMedia’s Virtual Reality Summit brings together a group of hand-picked thought leaders who represent the ‘best of the best’ from those who are creating today’s and tomorrow’s Virtual Reality in its myriad configurations and uses,” said Sandra Kay Helsel, Ph.D, Virtual Reality Summit Chair, Editor of Inside 3D Printing Newsletter, and Strategic Communications Specialist.
“The program discussion will span the continuum of the business of VR—the investment and business development paradigms, platform technologies, software, applications, content development ecosystems, and markets,” continued Helsel.
MecklerMedia’s Virtual Reality Summit announced a keynote session by Mike Rothenberg, Founder & CEO, CIO of Rothenberg Ventures, a San Francisco-based venture capital firm focusing on investing in Seed+ stage startups and millennial founders. Rothenberg’s keynote session takes place on October 21 from 11:00am – 11:45am.
Additional confirmed speakers for the Virtual Reality Summit include:
- Jared Baer, COO, 5DT
- Jarratt Carson, Executive Producer of Global Content, CMO, Greenfish Labs
- Carolina Cruz-Neria, Ph.D., Director of the Emerging Analytics Center, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
- Clifton Dawson, CEO, GreenLight VR
- Jeffrey Jacobson, Ph.D., Founder & President, EnterpriseVR
- Marc-O Lepage, COO & Co-Founder, Vrvana
- Jacquelyn Ford Morie, Founder and Chief Scientist, All These Worlds
- Tony Parisi, Founder, Third Eye
- Albert “Skip” Rizzo, Ph.D., Director of Medical VR Research, The USC Institute for Creative Technologies
- Daniel Surya, CEO, WIR Global
Virtual Reality Summit sessions take place on October 21, while VR exhibits remain open October 21-22.
Prices increase on September 30, so register before to save with early bird pricing. For more information and to register for the Virtual Reality Summit at Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara, visit
If your company is interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at the Virtual Reality Summit in Santa Clara or an upcoming event, please contact
The Virtual Reality Summit is an official 3D Print Week California event. 3D Print Week California takes place on October 19-23, 2015 at a variety of venues throughout San Francisco and Silicon Valley.
About MecklerMedia
MecklerMedia (OTCQX: MECK) is the leading producer of global trade shows, conferences, and digital publications covering 3D printing, robotics, and bitcoin/blockchain. MecklerMedia produces more than 25 conferences annually, including Inside 3D Printing, Inside Bitcoins, RoboUniverse, and the 3D Print Design Show. MecklerMedia’s news sites include Inside Bitcoins News, 3D Printing Industry, and, which provide up-to-date coverage to help drive business forward.
All current MecklerMedia press releases can be found online at:
For press inquiries, please contact
Monday, September 14, 2015
3D Printing News and 3D Printing Medicine – Revolution
Medical researchers are increasingly turning to 3D-printing technology to make revolutionary advances in medicine.
As its name suggests, a 3D printer prints ink not on a flat substrate, such as paper, but in three dimensions, in successive layers; the ink is substrate and substance in one. The first 3-D printers were developed in the nineteen-eighties, by an American engineer named Charles Hull. The “ink” was an acrylic liquid that turned solid when exposed to ultraviolet light, typically from a laser beam. Makers of cars and airplanes could design complicated parts on a computer and then print out prototypes for manufacture; now they often print the part, too. Three-dimensional printers have become inexpensive and ubiquitous.
In the United States, debates have erupted over whether citizens should be allowed to 3D-print handguns at home, which the technology makes possible. Today’s printers print in plastics, and also in silver, gold, and other metals, along with ceramics, wax, and even food. (NASA is working on a zero-gravity 3D printer that can make pizza for orbiting astronauts.)
Saturday, September 12, 2015
3D Printing News – 3D Printed Ribs Saves Lives
Suffering from a chest wall sarcoma (a type of cancerous tumour that grows, in this instance, around the rib cage), the 54 year old man needed his sternum and a portion of his rib cage replaced. This part of the chest is notoriously tricky to recreate with prosthetics, due to the complex geometry and design required for each patient. So the patient’s surgical team determined that a fully customisable 3D printed sternum and rib cage was the best option. This is 3D printing at it’s best!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Sharabi – Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 Song Lyrics & Video
Sharabi Lyrics from Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 is composed by Amit Trivedi, sung by Sharib, Toshi, Raja Hasan, get lyrics and video of this song
Monday, August 31, 2015
When Chinese Money is Worth Less What Does Your Business Do?
Everyone has seen the news that China has devalued its currency. This means the Yuan Renminbi is weaker. When you exchange currency, you can now buy more Yuan for each dollar spent. If China is really the world’s second largest economy, than the Renminbi (People’s Currency) effects world markets.
After all, if Chinese money is weaker, that means that US products sold into China become more expensive. Take the example of Mandarin Oranges for sale in China, but imported from the USA. An 8 kg box costs between $20 and $30. With the weaker Chinese currency, this could cost 25 percent more this year. Thus, the imported oranges are more expensive and the Chinese will buy less of them from the USA, critics say.
On the flip side, items we buy from China will cost less. Importers of (e.g.) Chinese toys will pay less. If the US importers keep the price constant, then the importers will benefit and make more money. So why is everyone complaining?
If your firm is selling a price-based commodity to Chinese buyers (rice, soy, oil, hogs, corn, cotton, etc.) your sales may suffer because your price is too high.
But if you are selling iPhones or BMW’s, the higher price may not matter. Higher prices may even work as an advantage, because the products are more expensive and hence more prestigious.
What advantages do BMW and Apple enjoy that cotton growers and soy farmers don’t?
It comes down to branding and positioning. The successful firms plow back profits into building and protecting a brand. They have made it clear that an iPhone costs more, but is worth it. A BMW costs much more than almost anything Chevrolet makes and their argument is that “price doesn’t matter.”
U.S. firms can often be lazy when it comes to branding overseas. My work in this area points to many firms that relinquish overseas branding to local “partners.” If U.S. firms remember their marketing muscle, they can expand overseas and not be as sensitive to price fluctuations. If we can remember that Starbucks is a lifestyle (not a coffee) we can export that concept (as Starbucks does well).
For those businesses that deal in commodities, there has to be a way to differentiate other than price. Last week I asked a firm (who wishes to deal abroad) if they had bank accounts set up in overseas markets. When they explained that they wanted to be paid in US dollars via wire, one has to wonder if they really intend to service the markets. Better service would be a differentiator.
This firm picked China as a target market. I asked these questions of this firm:
Did they have anyone on staff that speaks Chinese?
Are they interested in going to China regularly?
Do they have relationships in China?
Can they help the Chinese with their own businesses?
Do the Chinese clients need help where the U.S. firm is better connected?
Did they read anything about the region?
Do they eat Chinese food?
All of these points can be differentiators.
All of these questions point to ways in which the Americans can enhance customer intimacy.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
3D Printing Time Lapse Demonstration – 3D Printing in Action
It all starts with making a virtual design of the object you want to create. This virtual design is made in a CAD (Computer Aided Design) file using a 3D modeling program (for the creation of a totally new object) or with the use of a 3D scanner (to copy an existing object). A 3D scanner makes a 3D digital copy of an object. This time lapse video shows 3D Printing in action!
August 25, 2015
Future Tax Leaders Presentation;How to Enter Cultures; international and otherwise
Participants should leave the session knowing:
– The largest stumbling block when working in different corporations.
– The 5 questions each person should be asking when confronted with any new culture.
– Common mistakes made in interacting with different cultures.
What we will cover:
– Interactive exercise – Bridges and Umbrellas
How we size up a new situation
– Defining culture; visible and invisible
Strategies and tactics for cross generational and international work
– A primer for global cultures
International Business defined with 3 drawings
Task Specific vs. Relationship Specific
Short Term vs. Long Term
Individual vs. Collective (think of Bush vs. Saddam)
War stories
How to fire employees in Womza
What is profit?
Chinese Balance Sheet
10 Questions To Ask Yourself!
This is how we do it our way. What is is their way
What is public, what is private?
How do you know when you are in?
Do they respect my authority?
What assumptions might be underlying their actions?
Have I heard this correctly?
Does the other person understand what I have asked them to do?
Who does my “employee” work for?
Is there more than what I am seeing?
How can I “bridge?”
International Business Podcast! (free)
International business videos
International business book
Saturday, August 22, 2015
3D Printing Video – React To 3D Printing Technology With Copper
At Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VT), Christopher Williams heads the effort to further advance 3-D printing–known among engineers as additive manufacturing–with copper, a widely used conductor in electronics. Williams is using a process called binder jetting in which an inkjet printer selectively jets glue into a bed of copper powder, layer-by-layer. The printed copper product is then taken to a furnace to fuse the particles together
With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Williams is addressing a major challenge in the 3-D copper printing process, which is to eliminate the porosity that develops in the part during the process. These microscopic pockets of air weaken the finished product. Is it time to move from 3D Printing Plastics to metal?
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Global Business Podcast on OutSourcing. Does It Make Sense?
Here is an interesting international business podcast
Outsourcing isn’t new and is getting lots of news coverage. Often, we Americans use the term “outsourcing” when we’re discussing sending jobs overseas. “Offshoring” is a better term to describe that phenomenon.
As with every fundamental business decision, there are good and bad execution strategies. Many firms that began an offshoring program did so with the promise of lower labor costs, responsive workers, higher-quality delivery, better cash management and less employee hassle. But many of these benefits are elusive. Enjoy the free podcast.
Friday, August 14, 2015
3D Printing Podcast Asks if 3D Printing Materials Are Safer?
Are 3D Printing Materials any safer? Here is a quick 3D Printing Podcast which addresses that issue. Listen and enjoy!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
3D Printing Film – 3D Printed Cube. Why is it Unusual?
A 3D Printed Cube printed in red strong and flexible plastic. Why is it unusual? Did the founder take on online 3D printing class?
Sunday, August 9, 2015
3D Printed Musical Instruments – The First 3D Printed Violin Review
Here is the fist 3D Printed Violin review. They call it the 3Dvarius. And it is the first fully playable electric violin created by the 3D printing technology !
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
3D Print “Do Not Duplicate” Keys With Web App Easier Than Ever
3D Printed Duplicate Key
This App Lets Anyone 3-D Print “Do-Not-Duplicate” Keys
A group of University of Michigan researchers released a new web-based tool that lets users 3-D print any of thousands of “restricted” keys designed to defy copying attempts.
Read the Michigan researchers’ full paper:
Replication Prohibited: Attacking Restricted Keyways with 3D Printing
Monday, July 27, 2015
3D Printing, Sensors and Data Science Coming to America’s Factories
A new study from consulting giant McKinsey says factories are the next fertile ground for the “Internet of things.”
While the current trend toward automation and reduction of standard factory floor staff will continue, Kaas added that “any skill set which truly requires handling of data and analytics” will be highly in demand for manufacturers in the next decade.
Bringing Life to Design: Data Science in 3D – Autodesk‘s Mike Haley
Want to solve your tough problems and achieve stunning results with big data?
Cliintel is a data analytics company that helps you make your business strategy happen. Their business systems and insights work hand in hand with your business strategies extracting the actionable intelligence that will help you accomplish your goals.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Global Business and Big Data – You Are In The Big Data Business
Big data is becoming one of those overused buzz words. You can’t turn on a website or look at a social media app without reading about big data. However, like many overused buzzwords, most people don’t know what it means.
Rich Batenburg Jr, of Cliintel in Denver has been involved in what we call big data for 20 years. He refers to his firm as “data scientists.” Batenburg defines big data as “having many facts across many dimensions of your business. Data Science allows you to pivot to understand what is going on now and let you forecast what will be going on in the future.”
In other words, big data is multiple data sources which are created by many systems.
Big data can also refer to big websites with big user groups and big amounts of information collected.
Just about everyone has big data. This is due to the facts that .processing has become so cheap. Companies have many applications, many businesses units. This gives firms more facts than they can possible digest. More and more administration systems create more and more data.
Inexpensive processing means we can collect and store and share more data. As an example, today’s Iphone has more processing power than all the computer power on the spacecraft NASA launched in the 1960’s. Just for fun and a slightly different bend…what’s on board for free on a Mac has more tools to record music than the Beatles ever had!
The trend is that everyone is harvesting everything. In another example, a 1 terabyte hard drive now costs $80 and you can be bought off the shelf at any retail electronics store. Batenburg compares this to spending $1 million for same storage space 10 years ago.
So is it logical that big data can be the next big global industry? Both Batenburg and I say: “It already is!”
Batenburg argues that is has been a large global industry since 2008. Every time someone logs into a website, they are giving out information. It may be their name and address, their credit card information or simply their search behavior. We know that Google knows what you initially looked for, what you looked for additionally, how long you spent on its site, what time of day it is, where you are, what you searched for in the past and whether or not you searched for same thing more than once, among many other “data bytes.”
Are Facebook likes and page rankings from Mexico useful to us? Can U.S. firms harness this data to understand Mexican buying habits better? Will we get any insight as to how to manage our own Mexican employees? Can we sell that data right back to companies in Mexico? Are there any other companies out there that might want this user-generated insight to understand Mexican markets?
In a simple example, if we knew Mexicans didn’t spend any time on sites that look purple, and didn’t search for purple things and didn’t buy purple goods it might help us a pick a color for our new line of sportswear. It could certainly help us rule out purple! And that is only a small part of what we might learn with a few million Google searches..
When Egyptian children can bring the Egyptian government down with data, it shows the changing landscape and importance of this tool. A Harvard dropout creates a website with 1 billion users. Kids with smart phones topple a totalitarian regime.
If you want to hear Batenburg and I speak, tune into this International Business Podcast on big data.
Whether you like it or not, you are in the big data business.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
3D Printing Video Shows 13 Cool Things To Make With a 3D Printer
Here are some fun things you can make with a 3D Printer. This is a good way to show the capabilities of 3D Printing.
Monday, July 20, 2015
3D Printing Classes and 3D Printing News From the 3D Printing Online Course
Check out the 3D Printing MBA. It will keep companies from spending way too much on unnecessary expenses and teaching the business side of 3D Printing. In coordination with the Association of 3D Printing, the course promises to keep entrepreneurs and executives on track for the fundamentals of running any 3D Printing business.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
3D Printing Advice For Market Entry Into the USA
Marketing into the USA? Here is a point made quickly for firms wishing to market into the USA. Check out the Association of 3D Printing as a way to learn more about the 3D Printing Industry and how to penetrate it.
Also, take a peek at Market Entry Partners.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
3D Printing Expo in Santa Clara – Use The 3D Printing Channel Code
Inside 3D Printing Conference & Expo – West Coast’s Largest 3D Printing Show!
Inside 3D Printing is returning to Santa Clara on October 20-22! Since its inception in 2013, the Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo has quickly grown to become the largest professional 3D printing event worldwide.
Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara will feature a full day of tutorials plus two days of conference sessions led by industry experts and demonstrations of the latest 3D printers and services.
Whatever your role, Inside 3D Printing has a focused track with in-depth analysis and takeaways tailored to your priorities. The expo hall allows networking opportunities with colleagues from 40 countries and 41 states (based on statistics from 2014 events) as well as 70+ exhibits from around the world. 80 + speakers provide coverage of industrial and consumer topics and strategies.
Inside 3D Printing covers arts, business, manufacturing, medical, metal, scanners, and more.
EXHIBIT HALL HOURS: OCT. 21, 10:00AM-6:30PM AND OCT. 22, 10:00AM-3:45PM
Use the discount code CHANNEL for 10% off Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara. CLICK HERE!
Monday, July 13, 2015
The Top 3 Best 3D Printers
The TIKO looks quite impressive with its UNIBODY design creating one solid piece thus eliminating all the problems like mis-alignments, constant calibration and inaccurate prints that came with separate rail 3d printing systems.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Which 3D Printing Firms Will Succeed and Which 3D Printing Companies Will Fail?
Here is a quick 3D Printing slide show talking about potential successes and failures in 3D Printing
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
3D Printing Video – Additive Manufacturing For Working Vehicle Parts
Redwood City-based Carbon3D – which developed Continuous Liquid Interface Production technology (CLIP) – a 3D printing technology that grows parts from UV curable resins at speeds as much as 25 to 100 times faster than conventional 3D printing processes. The resulting parts boast mechanical properties that are applicable for a range of vehicle needs.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Big Data and Big Global Business – International Business Podcast
Is Big Data the next Big Business? Check out this global business podcast and listen to Rich Batenburg Jr of Cliintel explain why.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
3D Printing and Reconstructive Surgery
Dr Muhanad Hatamleh from King’s College Hospital in London speaks with Disruptive Magazine about how 3d printing is helping surgeons cut operating times while delivering a better and more inclusive experience for patients requiring reconstructive surgery.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Researchers 3D Print Own Drones to Film at the South Pole
We’ve all seen drones, whether on TV or in-person, and we’ve all seen 3D printers, too. A 3D printed drone, therefor doesn’t sound too impressive, considering they require typical mechanical parts. The thing is, like with most 3D printed objects, a 3D printed drone doesn’t exactly sound like a great investment, due to the quality of materials you’re usually dealing with.
So, it was on this general premise, which researchers at the famous Institute of Mechanical Engineering in Beihang University set out to make a drone that could withstand the unforgiveable Antarctic wasteland.
3D printing videos are a dime a dozen nowadays, there’s 3D printed news on new parts, gadgets, and devices being made all the time. But, a 3D printing video shot from a 3D printed drone flying around the South Pole? That’s lowering the barrier of entry for humans in extreme cold environments.
Let’s build a Snow Drone
This project all started in November of last year, and lasted until March, following the Chinese Antarctic Expedition Team. With them would fly six unmanned drones to capture lots of useful data from the skies and get some of the best 3D printing video footage you’ve never seen before on a 3D printing channel before. These six drones would follow and document the construction of an important airport runway by the Chinese Expedition Team, covering over 30,000 miles in the process.
As per Liang Jianhong the UAVs were abnormal bits of gear that took over a month to outline. “In any case, by utilizing 3D printing innovation, they were constructed in just 15 days.” These bizarre creations were just 33% of the measure of standard UAVs, and in addition foldable arms. Outlined particularly for flights in the Antarctic environment, the little drones had no issues with conditions going from negative 15 and -20 ° Celsius temps. Once the UAV’s casing is collapsed, issues could happen with the control framework.
In spite of this little catch, this 3D printed drone design came to top speeds in the reach of 30-40 km per hour on the ice, while tests demonstrated that it was fundamentally solid, with no issues reported.
So, you may surmise that flying a shoddy 3D printed UAV around the recreation center is fine, however the machine is generally totally unsatisfactory for unforgiving conditions like the Arctic. As it would turn out, conventional automatons are produced using carbon fiber material and in this manner truly fit for working in different conditions.
In any case, these much less expensive 3D printed automatons were more adaptable and subsequently suitable for this challenging mission. It would costs three months to make an arrangement of carbon fiber molds, and the expense of normal made ones is 20 times that of these 3D printed counterparts. Also, you can’t change the outlines of those carbon drones. These drone experiments are the first ever 3D printed drone videos to film on Antarctica, and certainly will not be the last of their kind.
Monday, June 8, 2015
3D Printing Business Education
3D printing has gotten much consideration in the press over the years. Built up as the innovation to realize a 3rd modern revolution. Quite the proclamation, but it is not made on just a whim. 3D printing innovations were developed in the late 80s, and since they have seen enduring, if unspectacular, development. After 2009, changes happened which have seen the fortunes of the 3D printing business world take an unexpected turn to improve things in great strides.
Makers of 3D printers are reporting a surge popularity and markets for 3D printing are advancing quickly over various application platforms as new materials advancement opens up new doors. The need for 3D printing business education is now catching up with the demand.
Advanced 3D Printing and Marketing
3D printers actually contribute to a heap of advancements, in view of various diverse industries. The procedure has added substance in nature, as materials are produced where required, and hence bringing about essentially less material wastage than conventional assembling procedures. Each of the innovations is suitable for utilization with an alternate scope of materials, which changes the suitable uses of the printer.
Initially utilized for the fast generation of models for structures and parts testing, applications are transitioning towards likewise utilitarian testing of models under meeting expectations conditions, and further, the assembling of finished products.
Whilst 3D printing of finished products is generally used less in contrast with conventional assembling strategies, new, more mind boggling avenues are opened up, empowering the financial generation of big industries, like the aviation and auto businesses. Applications are likewise developing in the therapeutic and dental fields.
Looking to the Future of 3D Printing
A report talks about each of the innovations and on-going mechanical advances top to bottom, and investigations in both the present and future markets for 3D printing business. We additionally present nitty gritty estimates for the eventual fate of the 3D printing business.
This info will be helpful to any association at present considering how 3D printing may be of use to them, yet are uncertain of the right innovation to utilize. It will likewise be of use to any association officially acquainted with 3D printing, yet wish to look for either a more extensive outline, or a more precise and modern information of the field and its advancement.
Development of the 3D printing business sector is being driven by various elements. Enhanced 3D printing business education has assumed a noteworthy part as exposure, with respect to the innovations’ increase as of late. Costs of a few models have likewise fallen which has helped, as has the scope of materials choices accessible.
The home market for 3D printers, at times known as the specialist business, will remain generally slow as constraints regarding the scope of materials accessible will continue for years to come.
It appears that the medical and dental industries have great promise, sitting at roughly 141 million dollars for 3D printing investment. Experts place it at nearly one billion dollars in just ten years, thanks to the overwhelming demand in equipment manufacturing and implants advancements.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
3D Printing Demonstration in Finland
Just a quick film to show the spread of 3D Printing around the world. This takes place in Finland. I wonder when the 3D Print will Finish? (ha ha)
Monday, June 1, 2015
Association of 3D Printing – The Leading Voice for the 3D Printing Community
Association of 3D Printing: The Leading Voice for the 3D Printing Community
The Association of 3D printing helps experts–as well as consumers–understand the intricate nature of 3D printing.
As a membership-based organization, the Association of 3D Printing works with manufacturers, 3D printing companies, “makers,” designers, universities and service providers who are making new breakthroughs in the 3D printing industry. Because this association is a nationally and internationally recognized industry leader, the Association of 3D Printing provides members the collective power to change and influence uprising issues.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
The Top 5 3D Printing Gadgets
Mosaic Manufacturing – Keep your 3D printer and expand its potential. The Palette lets your 3D printer create an entirely new range of items!
Tiko 3D – The unibody 3D printer.
Voltera – The Voltera V-One enables circuit boards to be prototyped within minutes, eliminating the frustrations with traditional fabrication processes and drastically reducing hardware development time.
Retouch 3D – The world’s first heated tool to finish 3D prints; with variable heat and interchangeable heads; designed for specific 3D retouching tasks.
ReDeTec – The first complete desktop filament re-cycler, featuring fully integrated grinding and spooling. Create 3D printing filament sustainably, on demand, for free.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
3D Printing and Global Business – The Obvious Match
And dispel this myth!
We don’t need to invest a lot; our Web site gives us a presence.
Actually, your Web site gives you a brochure, but no real place where businesses and consumers can get support, touch and feel your product, get to know your company and its staff, deal with returns, make product modifications and enable co-marketing agreements.
It’s necessary to have a localized Web site for market presence, but it needs to accompany many other things to make your efforts a success.
3D Printing Interview Excerpt From Printaholic
…..The Future for Association of 3D Printing?
As the Association of 3D printing evolves, Decker believes that the organization–as well as 3D printing itself–defies geographical boundaries. Through innovative resources as well as unique networking capabilities, this organization continues to grow and become the dominant voice in the 3D printing community.
“U.S. countries selling in foreign countries is a personal goal of mine, and we have a great vehicle to do it,” Decker said.
What’s In Store For The Future?
With a personal bias created by 30 years of international market entry, Decker said that he believes the industry he works in defies geographical boundaries.
With global aspirations in mind, the Association of 3D Printing will partake in various co-sponsored conferences around the world and continue to market its brand. Just by visiting this organization’s website and listening to free podcasts, the Association of 3D Printing will rise to greater prominence not only in the 3D printing community, but also in the business world.
For more information please visit
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
3D Printing Marketing – Can Pinterest Help Your 3D Printing Firm?
Pinterest Marketing?
Oh yeah, and when you’re done managing your Pinterest account, don’t forget to run your business too! All joking aside, you’ve got a full plate as it is. But the numbers behind Pinterest don’t lie. Pinterest users spend hours browsing for products they want in their lives. You know you can’t ignore the Pinterest opportunity. That’s where we come in.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Welcome to the Site!
Notes From A May Speaking Event
How to Enter Cultures; international and otherwise
Participants should leave the session knowing:
– The largest stumbling block when working in different corporations.
– The 10 questions each person should be asking when confronted with any new culture.
– Common mistakes made in interacting with different cultures.
What we will cover:
– Interactive exercise that is revealing, interactive and fun; “Who am I?”
How we size up a new situation
– Defining culture; visible and invisible
Strategies and tactics for cross generational and international work
– A primer for global cultures
International Business defined with 3 drawings
Task Specific vs. Relationship Specific
Short Term vs. Long Term
Individual vs. Collective (think of Bush vs. Saddam)
War stories
How to fire employees in Womza
What is profit?
Chinese Balance Sheet
10 Questions To Ask Yourself!
This is how we do it our way. What is is their way
What is public, what is private?
How do you know when you are in?
Do they respect my authority?
What assumptions might be underlying their actions?
Have I heard this correctly?
Does the other person understand what I have asked them to do?
Who does my “employee” work for?
Is there more than what I am seeing?
How can I “bridge?”
Free Goodies!
International Business Podcast
International Business Audio Book: Lessons From the Road; Global Business 1-2-3
Free International Business Videos
Free International Business Articles
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015
3D Printing Gives Them A Hand – Or Better Yet a 3D Printed Hand Knob
What if your local hardware store doesn’t carry the knobs you need for your vacuum, dishwasher, toaster or blender? Well, before now, things were horrible. But now, 3D Printing to the rescue. Want more 3D Printing Fun? Click here for our 3D Printing newsletter.